entah kenapa..tetiba..ana terajin lak...xperlaa...moga apa yg ana try sampaikan ni ada kebaikannya utk semua batch 14 SMIH..insyaAllah...
hah!!memandangkan kita skrg dh stat cuti..ana harap kita sume x buang masa byk sgt...walaupun dah abes periksa...ape kata kita bykkn doa utk kejayaan kita dalam PS 2...dan utk kakak2 dan abg2 ting.5 yg akan amik SPM bermula 11hb. nov nie...yela...kita ni pun,dpt cuti awal sbb mereka nk SPM...klu x..xdenyer kita dapat cuti awal..yer x??
hmm...maybe dh xde bnde lagi nk cakap...yg penting kita semua pandai jaga diri dan kehidupan kita sendiri...ingat!!masa itu kehidupan...enggak bisa berpatah balik...kalau xnak jadi org yg rugi... bijak2kanlah diri tu membahagikan masa,ok!!
akhir bicara,selamat bercuti!!!segala salah dan silap harap dimaafi...takut2lah nnt x jumpa lagi... sekian,wassalam...
hmm.nmpk blog nie mcm x maju sgt..ape kate ana majukan...moga ape yg ana tulis ini mmpu memberi perubahan kpd blog dan bermanfaat buat antum/antunna yg membaca..insyaAllah...
alhamdulillah...jam 12.30 tgh hari td kte sume berjaya menjawab kertas soalan terakhir bg tahun 2008 di SMIH...btol x??(bg 1 ihsan,12.25..) tahniah ana ucapkan kpd semua krn berjaya jawab exam... walau macam mne sekalip0n result kte nnt....walau byk mane pon A kte nnt...kita seharusnya bersyukur krn sudah tentu kita dah lakukan yg terbaik..betul x??
ana teringat satu ayat Al-Quran,dari surah Ali Imran...FAIZA 'AZAMTA FATAWAKKAL 'ALALLAH... mksdnyer.."apabila kamu sudah bertekad, maka bertawakkal lah kpd ALLAH..." hah...jadi...apa yg mmpu kita lakukan skrg ialah hanya berdoa dan bertawakkal kpd Allah.. ingat!hanya Allah tmpat kita bergntung,ok!!semoga segala usaha kita selama ini diberkati dan diredhai ALLAH...aamiin...
okla...akhir kalam...selamat menghabiskan masa di cuti sekolah ini dgn sebaik-baiknya...ilalliqa' wa ma'assalamah....SAYONARA!!!
i'm not posting rubbish here but this song cam tuk org israel yg dah insaf lol ariff paham ah.. lol lol lol
Take everything left from me. (All to blame) How can we still succeed, taking what we don't need? Telling lies, alibis, selling all the hate that we breed. Supersize our tragedy! Bought in the land of the free! (The free!)
And we're all too blame, We've gone too far, From pride to shame, We're trying so hard, We're dying in vain, We're hopelessly blissful and blind To all we are, We want it all with no sacrifice!
Realize we spend our lives living in a culture of fear. Stand to salute; say thanks to the man of the year. How did we all come to this? It's greed that we just can't resist! (Resist!)
And we're all too blame, We've gone too far, From pride to shame, We're trying so hard, We're dying in vain, We're hopelessly blissful and blind To all we are, We want it all. Everyone wants it all with no sacrifice!
Tell me now, what have we done? We don't know. I can't allow what is being done to tear it down, Believe me now, we don't know just what With our backs against the wall.
And now we're all too blame, We've gone too far, From pride to shame, We're hopelessly blissful and blind When all we need Is something true to believe, Don't we all? Everyone, everyone, We will fall.
'Cause we're all to blame We've gone too far, From pride to shame, We're trying so hard, We're dying in vain, We want it all, Everyone, don't we all?
oh yeah lol dis is putera...
bosan ah....
(edit) somehow ak rasa banat won't appreciate the song...
****************************************************************************** lol dollah kalo ko maseh nak red alert 2 ak dah kurangkan harga jadi RM2
ngan ariff ak bayar ko rm2 je boleh x ??(tuk utang ngan omnimusha)
salam~ actually..dis is my 1st time post kt blog g14.. heheh.. ta taw maw post aper sanye..tp..post la gak.. sbb nmpk..blog niy agk..kosong..erk! heheh..
oke2..rineh pkse sejarah..bolela thn ssh..!dushh!! hahaha..ana mse uh tgh ngntok shadid..! hehehe..pas uh dtg plak paper sejarah.. wadushh!!lg la 100xx ngntokk.. x slap ana td..mse soalan num 14..ana ttdo.. ngee~ so ble bgn jek da nk kol bpe dah mse uh.. pas uh..ape lg..cincai ar sumer.. kekekekeke.. ana rse ana cm ta ley score paper sejarah..! huhuhuhu.. tp alhamdulillah sbb sme soalan dpt jwb..(ye ar..da sme objektif..!) hehehehe...
tu paper sejarah..paper bm 2 uh.. fuhh!!jenoh 2 jam perah otak! huhuhu.. tp alhamdulillah sme bole jwb cme...ermm.. bhg. D uh..heheh.. phm2 jelarh! ngee~ pas uh kejap2 jer tgn da lengoh shadid..! huhuhu.. ble rehat jer..rse cm nk patah tangan! hehehe..
bm 1 oke2 sajer~ x ssh sgt x sng sgt.. heheh. myb dats 4 today,, sok paper bi 1&2 paper math 1! oh tidakk!! ngeh3! pape je.. sok nk pkse mlm post blog! kekekekeke..
k ar buku dah pggl swo study.. heheheh.. ana cme nk ckp.. erm.. smoger bjaye-jaye la ye 4 all papers.. hehehe.. n i hope dats next year batch kte yg plg rmi naek pentas..(jgn roboh sudaa pentas uh..!) hehehehe..
okeng2~ study smart guys!! all da besh larh! salam sayang~!!